White Sage Bundles


Burning sage to purify a space or a person’s energetic field, referred to as Smudging by many Native American tribal communities, is an ancient spiritual practice. Our White Sage bundles are sustainably grown and harvested from a reputable source in California. White Sage holds many undisputed medical and spiritual benefits. Not only is White Sage antimicrobial and antibacterial, it is believed to be a great ally against stress, depression, anxiety, insomnia or mood disorders. Tradition suggests that smudging with sage can literally lift one’s mood to banish negativity. Honeywolf Mercantile recommends setting intentions before smudging for spiritual or negativity clearing purposes. Remove people or animals from the space. It’s very important to open a window (or all of them!) before, during, and after smudging to allow smoke to escape. Sage smoke carries all impurities and harmful energy with it, so please don’t skip this step. Happy Smudging!

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